Платинен Член

I'm x years old and I started playing chess in Sept., 2017. I also like Pokémon. My NWSRS rating is 1560. My hobbies include chess, climbing trees, jumping off things (Y not?), and other stupid activities like that, which includes riding my bike no-hands along the river, which really isn't that hard once you get the hang of it. Other pastimes are listening to all sorts of Video Game Soundtracks (Shoutout to VGS and 31 Horas Music, you guys are awesome!).

I enjoy video games, probably more than I should (don't we all? That or social media. Stupid phones! They are convenient tho). My favorites should be narrowed down more, but they are Smash Bros (Brawl and 4, I don't have a switch), Earthbound 2 (I need to pirate 3(It is okay, Nintendo doesn't care, the game was only released in Japan)), Super Metroid, Super Mario World (My best speedrun is 1 hour, could be better tho I think. However, I am rusty…), Donkey Kong Country (Gotta love those glitches!), Pokemon X, Pokemon Moon (Nuzlocked it 3rd try, Took out 5/6 of Kukui's team with a Magnezone, highly recommend that 'mon.), Lego Batman and Lego Batman 2, (wow this is a long list. What else have I done with my life?!) MINECRAFT! (Specifically Bedwars or SkyBlock. username's Guineaster. Seen that somewhere huh?), and I think that is it? Phew!

My Favorite Things:
Fav Color: Bright Eccentric Exquisite Neon Orange. (Yes, you need all the adjectives)

My pets (yes this counts as one of my fav things if you think about it): My duck Fezzig (the Giant from Princess Bride) aka Waddles, and my guinea pig Kabe (Sounds like KB, acronym for Killer Bunny, go watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail if you haven't)

Fav Song: The Shreksophone! wink.png

Fav Game: You know that long paragraph you skipped over? The answer is in there. 

Fav Fruit: Pineapple (Oranges in the winter are good too)

Fav Food: First thing that comes to mind is Texas Sombreros or Ribs.

Fav Dessert: No clue. Parfaits. (Everyone likes parfaits. Have you ever walked up to someone and said: "Hey! Do you like parfaits?" and they were like: "<insert_beep_word_here> no! I don't like no parfaits!" Parfaits are delicious! -Donkey, from Shrek) But the answer is cheesecake, I just needed a Shrek quote in here somewhere...

Fav Movie Quote: "What an eccentric performance." -King Arthur, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Fav Thing: My faith in God.

Fav Chess Opening: The Caro Kann (aka the Crapo Kann, according to @Zaphnathpaaneah)

Fav Chess Piece: The Pawn. It is the soul of chess. I think Alekine said that… not sure

Fav YT Channel: SmallAnt

Fav Number: 4064256. Anyway, it is divisible by around 100+ numbers, and is 2016^2. Perdy Cool
Fav Website: This one, probably. 

Fav URL: 

Fav Book: Hey Tiktok users: a book is a story written on real paper. It tells a very exciting story about pretty much anything. I know you probably learned about them in history class, but in small amounts they still exist. My favorite story is probably The Secretkeepers by Trenton Lee Stewart, but my favorite book is The Great Divorce or The Screwtape Letters by Clive Staples Lewis (Love that name lol).

Fav Social Media: None. If it could happen, I would burn it in fire and flame! 

Fav Subject in school: Lunch! Obviously.

Fav Hobby: Chess, obviously, or making video games. I am not good enough to do it on anything but scratch yet tho; sad face.

Fav Password: You wish I would answer this question hackers LOLLLL

Fav Username: As displayed above. Just add STV (long story, but it stands for my late guinea pig, Smokey, who is also my pfp. Rest In Peace!)

-Wow. That was a lot of fav things-

What next? Lets save this first...



Everything else about my life:







Fun Fact: YOU DON'T NEED 2 KNOW/\/\/\/\/\/\//\//\\//\ /\/\/\/\//\/\/\/\\//\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\


4 Fun, lets see how far I can go reciting the CG Rap: 




I should rap this up, shouldn't I?




Alright, THE END





Sry to waste more of your time, but I wan't to say one last thing:





That was a bit extravagant, huh?

Also, let me know in the comments below if I rickrolled you. tongue.png

Cya later!





PS: Who's Joe?

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