
Hi I'm ALBERT-S-LFC-09!!!!!
My best on puzzles was 2243 my current rating on puzzles is 2012. My best on survival is 20,
my best on 3 mins is 21,my best on puzzle rush is 29. My daily rating is 980 and I have 70 achievements. All time I have played about 300 games, I have done 1,754 puzzles. My rating for daily 960 is  745, blitz is about 400, bughouse 800, Crazy house 258, bullet is 169, rapid 585 and king of the hill is 400. I have 20 friends and I am on 9 clubs one of them I own.

Fav books.

1.Alex rider series.

2.Lord of the rings.

3 Calvin and hobbes.

My fav sport is Football and my fav team are Liverpool.

My fav things to watch......


Lord of the rings.

Star Wars.

Dude Perfect.

And I like Lions.

Also a Pro lifer.

Viva Cristo rey!!!!!!!! [ Long live Christ the king! ]

Calvin and hobbes pics......

Pound it noggin cya!

LEGO FOREVER ১১ জন সদস্য
Calvin and Hobbes fans
Calvin and Hobbes fans ১২ জন সদস্য
Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin and Hobbes ১১ জন সদস্য
Liverpool FC.
Liverpool FC. ৪০১ জন সদস্য
Star Wars
Star Wars ৮৭৫ জন সদস্য