
Genrikh Kasparyan's Studies

Genrikh Kasparyan's Studies

Are you ready for some amazing endgame studies?

Genrikh Kasparyan was one of the greatest endgame composers of all time. See if you can work your way through some of his most beautiful studies.

  • Find unexpected endgame checkmates.
  • Break down seemingly impenetrable fortresses.

Kasparyan's Active Rooks

Both sides have two rooks and one pawn. How can you prove that yours are better?
1 izazov

Kasparyan's Surprising Checkmate

Kasparyan loved endgame checkmates. See if you can find the surprising finish to win this game.
1 izazov

Kasparyan's Surprising Checkmate 2

Once again Kasparyan's quiet-looking ending is full of surprises. See if you can find your way to the finish.
1 izazov

Kasparyan's Surprising Checkmate 3

White's passed pawn is dangerous, but the king is shaky. How can you prove that Black's king is the one in real danger?
1 izazov

Kasparyan's Fortress

Kasparyan often relied on surprising endgame motifs for multiple studies. See if you can find Black's fortress and then do another challenge to break it down.
2 izazova

Kasparyan's Minor Pieces

Normally Black's queen would win the game, but White's pieces are targeting the Black king. How can you prove that they're enough to win the game?
1 izazov

Genrikh Kasparyan's Studies

6 lekcija
0 minuta
7 izazova
Objavljeno 9/21/2021