Najděte šachový klub

Morocco Chess Team
Morocco Chess Team: The official representative of The World League . Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Would you like to improve y...
1 416
The SpaceAliens
You have reached a new club where wonders can take you across the galaxy. Where rockets go and explore the unknown planets that awaits us to our ex...
Coaches's official club for coaches. This club is dedicated for members already listed as Coaches. To be listed on, please ap...
1 776
The Checkmate Collective
Hello!  Welcome to the Checkmate Collective, a Club where we actively play chess as a community, with a puzzle forum and lots of Vote Chess and Dai...
Mir Sultan Chess Academy
Mir Sultan Chess Academy is the emerging platform for intermediate chess training sessions and It is the ideal forum for young & energetic play...
3 317
Willkommen im Club!  
1 392
5D Chess
5D Chess With Multiverse Time Travel is the first ever chess variant with spatial, temporal, and parallel dimensions. It's the first-ever chess var...
1 687
In the aftermath of World War III, the world was left in ruins. The once bustling cities were now nothing but rubble and ash, the skies choked with...
Princess' Gambit
Princess Gambit is a private club for junior chess players to join
Slavic Warriors
Slavic Warriors to grupa stworzona dla graczy z Polski i Ukrainy , którzy lubią rozgrywać mecze drużynowe Slavic Warriors - це група, ств...
Standard Champions
First 2 becomes super admin! Next five becomes Admin! The ten after that becomes cord! 
Le Repaire du Satyre
Rejoignez le Club d'échecs Francophone du Repaire du Satyre ! Une communauté internationale passionnée d'Exploration, fond&e...
LIFE 2025
Club dédié aux qualifications de la Ligue Ingénieure Française d'Echecs 2025.Plus d'informations ici : http:/...
North Carolina  USA
This is an active group for players in, or from, the state of North Carolina. If you request to join the club - state your NC connection. Otherwise...
Kick-assertion chess
The vibe here is very cool and relaxed as if we are there on the beach, or playing with waves in the ocean surf. No one needs to talk, no one needs...
Nature Conservation Chess Club
#RecoveringFromBanAttack (ForTheThirdTime) Looking for a club that respects nature and is devoted to saving it? Want to join a club to make frien...
The Legends Of Chess
This is a private club for Legends club members only. A supportive and welcoming community of players, ranging from beginners to masters, all eag...
Hola, espero te encuentres bien. Queremos invitarte a que formes parte de nuestro equipo. Representamos al Club Atlético Platense (el marr...
This club is a part of chess cats union! But the evil kind of chess cats' union... If you like cats and want to be apart of the chess cats soci...
Jack Sarkisian Live
The official Jack Sarkisian Live club for live stream tournaments.
2 223