My name is Ionut-Alexandru Dobrin (for short Alex), and I am a Candidate Master with a peak OTB rating of 2215 ELO and peak online...
Индивидуальный тренер по шахматам. Провожу занятия для всех желающих от 7 лет. Обучаю шахматам по скайпу. Я - Мастер ФИДЕ из города...
Hello! I am Harikrishnan, enthusiastic IM from India. I am working on chess for the past 15 years. My current FIDE Rating is 2502. I...
Milos Perunovic GM 2611 Serbia Founder of the publishing house Chess Fortress. Visit
I'm a strong chess player that enjoys analyzing and sharing ideas. I am just getting back into tournament play; my hopes are to knock...