חבר יהלום


Daily Riddle:  How much dirt is there in a 8 x 8 x 8 cubic meter hole?

Answer: no dirt (it’s a hole) 😂 

⬇️ Scroll down ⬇️ 

























 Look at this picture:

☆  1. This picture is not moving but also is…

☆  2. There is another problem… can you find it?

☆  3. Did you just try to scroll back up?

☆  4. 1+1=2. What is the mistake.

☆  0. The mistake was the missing question mark. If you were correct you have a big brain.

🧠 ⚡️🧠 ⚡️🧠 

☆  6. I am behind you 🫵

☆  7. I just blew your mind for 0.1 seconds.

☆  8. Did you pass these 8 questions/sentences so far?

☆  9. Did you enjoy? If you did, please join The Cheesy Cool Chess Club

☆  10. There was an odd emoji in the arrow above. ⬆️ 

☆  11. I bet you scrolled up again!

☆  12. My tissue fell in a book which exploded into a truck that fell from a transparent cliff that led to a beehive which was full of cheesy rice that got infected by pollen that was spread from a horse that was crying because its mane was trimmed by a bat wrong, so I put this text here.

☆  13. Instead of 5 there is 0. Did you know?

☆  14. You just scrolled up lol. 😂 

☆ 15. Clap for one and a half times.

☆ 16. This is how to make people successfully waste 2 minutes of their life. 😂 











 Nothing here but my games and stats 🤣 

SaMbUdDhADaS (That's my lichess username)

Improvers 11,295 חברי מועדון
The Cheesy Cool Chess Club
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