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Team Spain Live
Team Spain Live es el equipo oficial de España para competiciones en vivo en chess.com. Un equipo comprometido, competitivo, con ilusi&o...
Chess.com - Bangladesh
এই ক্লাবটি অনলাইনে বাংলাদেশী দাবাড়ুদের জন্য সর্ববৃহৎ মিলনমেলা। এই ক্লাবের সদস্য হিসেবে আপনারা নিম্নোক্ত কার্যক্রমে অংশগ্রহণ করতে পারবেনঃ  চেস ডট ...
Welcome to Team Kenya.  Be part of the chess community and let us have fun! ALSO join:  https://www.chess.com/club/team-africa LINK - TEAM AFRICA
Communist Party of Vietnam
Bạn có phải là người Việt Nam yêu Cộng Sản không? Nếu có ha6ỹ vào đây!
Phoenix Chess League
Welcome to Phoenix Chess League! Phoenix Chess League (PCL) is a newly created league in 2024, which intends to bring events between clubs in mul...
Tanjiro Chess School 1
Hi! Welcome to Tanjiro Chess School 1. This is a chess school for students who wanna learn chess and a very competitive and social club.  He...
Silverdale Chess Club
Like the Great Beer Halls of Europe, the Silverdale Chess Club at Moment Brewing is built for Chess and for Chessplayers. The address is 10876...
Team New Zealand
This is the group representing New Zealand in the Chess.com World and Asian Leagues. Members may only represent one country in each of these 2 leag...
Federação de Xadrez do Paraná - FEXPAR
Participe do Clube no chess.com da Federação de Xadrez do Paraná. Fique ligado nos eventos on-line organizados pela FEXPAR. Nossos links: - Site...
European Cities League
This group was made for all the admins of teams who participate in European Cities League (ECL). If you are admin of any group of city and want to ...
Team Croatia
Dobrodošli u Team Croatia! Ovo je grupa koja predstavlja Hrvatsku na Chess.com natjecanjima u Europskoj ligi, Svjetskoj ligi i Svjetskoj lig...
Science Mom
This club is for Science Mom patrons. Check out  https://www.patreon.com/ScienceMom for weekly chess club meetings and more.
Grand Echiquier Lausanne
Le GEL est un club d'échecs comptant une centaine de membres. Quel que soit votre niveau et votre âge, vous trouverez des gens avec qui jouer, vous...
Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse
Playing Brilliant Chess, Against The Best The World Has To Offer.
CZECHmate Chess
On-line šachová komunita CZECHmate Chess, místo pro všechny šachové nadšence. 
Zuke Fan Club
Hello everyone! This is a club that will mostly be for having fun, making jokes, and yeah! And we will do many vote matches so, please stay active,...