
Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - Forks

Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - Forks

Get your forks ready!

Have you ever missed a crushing fork? Are you ready to find forks like a Grandmaster? Then this course is for you! This module was designed by GM Wolff to explore the fork motif in the game of chess, one of the most essential tactics in the game! The fork occurs when one of your pieces can attack two or more of the opponent's pieces. Start using forks to win games today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • How to setup forks!
  • How to avoid falling for forks!
  • Practice forks in positions picked by Grandmaster Patrick Wolff, a two-time US champion!

Lesson 1

Black has a healthy extra pawn, so at first glance it looks like White is fighting to draw. But there is a hidden resource for white. Do you see it?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 2

It looks like an even battle lies ahead. But in fact, black has a sneaky tactic that wins a pawn by using the fork motif. Do you see it?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 3

In this sharp and messy position, Black has an unexpected way to set White up for a deadly fork.
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 4

Here we see a position with equal material and what seems like an even position. However, if you take a closer look white has a way to come out clearly ahead.
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 5

This position seems to be close to equal but black has a deadly fork in mind. Can you find the combination to win the game?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 6

This exercise not only illustrates an important common forking theme, it also illustrates that tiny details can be necessary to make a forking theme successful. Now, where is the fork in this position?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 7

This position looks fairly even, but in fact White can win a piece by force. Do you see how?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 8

This looks to be a very quiet position with equal chances for both sides but this is not the case. In this position White actually has a hidden resource.
1 izaicinājums

Lesson 9

Black's Knight is attacked, so it may look at first as though Black should move it or protect it. But Black has a much stronger way to play.
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 10

It doesn't look at first as though there is anything for White to do here. But look carefully at Black's position, and you'll find one piece that is a little bit exposed. How can White use his active pieces to attack it?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 11

White has a clever way to win a piece in this position. The key is to find a potential fork, then find the way to set it up.
2 izaicinājumi

Lesson 12

Don't settle for a "natural" move if you've got something better. The position seems to be rather equal but White has a nasty surprise in store.
2 izaicinājumi

Lesson 13

The obvious move here is to capture the rook, but then when Black recaptures the position is completely even. White has a much stronger move, based on the fork motif. Do you see it?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 14

Black must have been pleased with his last move, ...fxe4, reckoning he'd either won a key center pawn or else if Qxe4 Bf5 would skewer the exchange. But what happened?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 15

Black incautiously moved a knight from d5 to b6. He thought he was uncovering a decisive double attack against c4 and d4. What did he overlook?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 16

This is a well-known opening trap. Black sees that the obvious fork, 1.Ne4, is well met by 1...Qe7 and the Bishop is defended. But...
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 17

This seems to be a better endgame position for White but do you see how Black can turn the tide?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 18

In this very complicated situation white can use the fork tactic to cut through the "noise" and reach a clearly winning position.
4 izaicinājumi

Lesson 19

Here it seems like we have a quiet, equal endgame position but this is far from the truth. White has a very fierce tactical idea to come out ahead in the endgame.
4 izaicinājumi

Lesson 20

Black has just captured White's pawn on e4, thinking it was for free. But actually, Black has fallen into a trap and now loses a piece. How does White set up the winning fork?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 21

Black has just played pawn to h6, hoping to drive away the strong White knight. But Black misses a strong idea by White.
4 izaicinājumi

Lesson 22

Here's a tricky one. How can White maneuver Black's pieces to squares where a deadly fork is possible?
4 izaicinājumi

Lesson 23

White's Queen and Knight are both en prise. Normally that would be bad news, but here other tactical factors enter the play and White not only escapes but even wins a piece!
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 24

White has a more aggressive position, but it looks as thought White will have to retreat the queen. Instead, White can start a combination that uses a fork at the end to win material. Do you see how?
4 izaicinājumi

Lesson 25

The position seems rather equal with both sides with a Queen, Rook, and a minor piece but white actually has a winning combination here.
4 izaicinājumi

Lesson 26

Black's greatest weakness is the Bishop, exposed on the sensitive f-file and protected only by the Queen. How can White exploit this situation?
4 izaicinājumi

Lesson 27

The most important precondition for a successful forking combination is normally two or more undefended units in the defender's camp. How can Black set up such a situation here?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 28

Here the material is equal but White has slightly more active pieces. Do you see a way to translate this into an advantage?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 29

Black expects White to recapture on e3, when Black can hope for equal chances. But White has a much more forceful way to play, based on a powerful fork. Do you see it?
4 izaicinājumi

Lesson 30

To consummate a forking attack, sometimes you must first draw the opponent's pieces to the squares at which they can be forked!
4 izaicinājumi

Lesson 31

White has just captured a pawn on e5 that it looked like black blundered. But actually, the move was a clever trap and White has fallen into it! Can you execute the trap for Black?
3 izaicinājumi

Lesson 32

In this seemingly safe position, White can initiate a combination that wins a pawn. The combination depends on a fork at the end of the sequence of moves. Can you find it?
5 izaicinājumi

Lesson 33

Here the material is equal but the White King position makes all the difference.
4 izaicinājumi

Lesson 34

I used this tactic in one of my own games many years ago. It looks like White has a safe extra pawn, but Black can win two pawns using forks! This one is really tricky...
5 izaicinājumi

Lesson 35

Are you winning or losing here? As Black, your Queen is threatened and your Knight is vulnerable on c5.
5 izaicinājumi

Lesson 36

Taking the Rook would allow ...Qd1 with perpetual check. (The queen checks from d1, f3 or h5 depending on how White covers up.) However...
5 izaicinājumi

Lesson 37

White has a pawn on the 7th rank but Black is threatening to take it. Find how White can use both a pin and a fork to win.
5 izaicinājumi

Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - Forks

37 nodarbības
0 minūšu
127 izaicinājumi
Publicēta 3/13/2008