Hello! I'm WFM Sujana Lohani from Nepal, and one of my greatest passions is playing chess. I discovered the game and i fell in love...
Originate from Dundee, Scotland and have been in Jersey since 2006 and still enjoy some online chess!
Василь Буришин Радий вітати! Тренер з шахів. GAMBIT - душа шахів. Skype, Zoom - 40 $ / год. FIDE Master, 2 - разовий чемпіон області,...
Never cheated, never will.... Have fun reporting me when I play like a boss. 2018 & 2020 Olympiads - Team Lebanon 2018 & 2019...
Auf meiner Website https://www.rochadex0-0-0.de/ erwartet Schachbegeisterte eine Schatzkammer des Schachwissens und der Erfahrung....
''I came; I saw; I conquered'' Please join my club: SV Bullet. Much appreciated