Finn en sjakklubb

Chess Universe
Welcome to Chess Universe! This enthusiastic club is happy to have you join our community. Despite our activity, which is rather standard for large...
2 352
Occitanie Échecs
  Équipe dédiée à tous les membres qui habitent ou aiment l'Occitanie. Bienvenue à tous. 
Galerinha do Xadrez
Bem-vindo ao clube de xadrez mais animado e estratégico do! Galerinha do Xadrez! Aqui, a nossa filosofia é simples: xadrez ...
"I wish i could tell you how i feel about you"  
1 150
Open Discussion
Applicants must confirm the following when applying to join this club: you are 16 years of age or older your account has been open for at least 3...
Squadron Commandos
Greetings    I would like to share with you a unique opportunity that exists among a tightknit core group of "Soldiers" who are ac...
32 Pieces Chess Club
Open to all members of the chess community who want to have fun. Check out our website! We host USCF-rated and unrated tournaments and...
279 Tournaments and matches
This is a club where toruments are held and matches  green check means it happend red x means never will happen add as much tournaments &n...
The Leading the way to success
Do not advertiseDo not curse or abuseDo not spam The rules will be strictly done. we cannot afford a second ban. ANY VIOLATOR OF THE RULES WILL B...
Team Colorado
For members who live in or have direct ties to Colorado. If you'd like to join Team Colorado, when you submit your request let us know what your ti...
Fun Chess.
join the club. and have fun with us! the club organizes daily tournaments whenever you want.  Fun Chess ...
Team Latvia
Šīs grupas mērķis ir piedalīties Pasaules Līgas (World League) un Eiropas Līgas (European League) mačos gan klasiskajā formātā, gan Chess960...
1 410 em Português
 Bem-vindo ao Clube Oficial do em Português 😍------------------------------ Siga-nos nas Redes Sociais - também entr...
33 835
The Average Community
A club for average people Feeeel free to spam  we have VC matches and weekly tournaments so we hope u enjoy  Hope u enjoy and then ...
Movers Chess Club
Welcome to the MOVERS Chess Club!We make moves here, whether it's on the board, in the ring, or in life. This is the home of 2018 Chessboxing World...
Schönwerth-Realschule Amberg
Schulschachgruppe Schönwerth-Realschule Amberg
Road to Titled Player
Hello this is a club for people who want to become better at chess and become a titled player and if you are already one congrats you can still joi...
Sacred Pawn Legion
If Chess is your battle ground this club is for you!!! The Sacred Pawn Legion   Requests YOU   This group is about people who enjoy chess more...
7 910
Clube de Xadrez de Peçanha - MG
Caro(a) novato(a),  Seja bem-vindo(a) ao nosso clube!   Para garantir a qualidade da nossa comunidade e manter um ambiente agrad&aacu...
International Daily Chess League
Join this club to take part in an individual chess league. The club will not play in inter-club matches. It is purely to organise a league internal...
Team Schweiz-Suisse-Svizzera
This team represent Switzerland in World and European Leagues. ------------- Hallo Schachfreund! Um in dieser Gruppe akzeptiert zu werden, musst du...
3 187
The OTF Lovers
🔥 Join The OTF Lovers club!!! 🔥  ✅ This club was founded Jan 12, 2025 and has 30+ members. ✅  ✨ Are you interested in memes, jokes, g...
We organise tournaments...