Znajdź Klub Szachowy

Team Tunisia
This is the group representing Tunisia in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in League match play. Membe...
3 988
Indians Are Great
A group for all levels of players, just looking for fun, advancement, challenge, analyze and to learn. We will have constant vote chess, team match...
1 802
Vote Chess Powerhouse
Our team, Chess.com vs. ChessKid, has emerged as one of the top 6 strongest Vote Chess teams on Chess.com. Recognizing our growth and potential, we...
Endgame Lovers
Welcome to the Endgame Lovers group! Endgame Lovers is for anyone who loves to study and play endgames. We have regular custom unrated endgame tour...
2 300
Steinitz Mongolian Chess Academy
2024-2025 оны Хичээлийн жил тэмцээн арвин зохиож, хүүхдүүдийн ур чадвар, туршлагыг хурдан богино хугацаанд нөхөх төлөвлөгөөтэй байгааг дуулгахад та...
Author's Flock
The official fan club for @TheAuthorOfChickens! You don't have to friend me to join. I'm apparently the person with all the quotes. I have a lead...
Cookie Kingdom
Da Cookie Universe is Filled With Cookies We Hope U Join Us Here You Can Do Whatever You Want. If you need someone to talk to you there will be som...
Thunk Club
Join the Thunk Club!  🧠♟️ Why should you join? 1. The Thunk Club has more than 260 members, plus a 100% activity rate!  2. We make ...
Asian League Headquarters
https://www.chess.com/news/view/2021-standard-chess-tm-competition-round-2-announcementQuestions and Concerns Asian League Headquarters (ALH...
Never Again. Live and let live.(One month membership required)
Clube de Xadrez de Peçanha - MG
Caro(a) novato(a),  Seja bem-vindo(a) ao nosso clube!   Para garantir a qualidade da nossa comunidade e manter um ambiente agrad&aacu...
A Chess Club for fun and learning.. Come and join! We have daily tours and prizes awaits you!! 😁
Clouds Of Chess
Join us for a cookie! 🍪🍪 Rules: Be Nice! You can curse if you want to, but not a lot Don't be mean to other members! No Advertising! No s...
Bangkok Chess Club
This is the official chess.com group for Bangkok Chess Club (www.bangkokchess.com). All players in Bangkok or Thailand are welcome to join. We pl...
2 013
The Regal Chess School
Sign up for Private Chess Lessons with FIDE Master Alejandro Garcia at https://www.kansascitychessclub.com/lessons Chess is everything— art, scie...
Hamdi Mehri Chess Club
Hi, it's Hamdi Mehri.I am 30 and have played chess since I was 16 years old.I collected a Twitch channel  in the lens to share my gameplay and...
3 686
Scuola Italiana di scacchi
Gruppo in cui si raccolgono le lezioni gratuite: da principiante a terza categoria nazionale. Corso di scacchi e molto altro Le richieste di iscri...
We try to make as much brilliant moves as possible !! Please join our club!
Yemen Chess Team
Yemen Chess Team: The official representative of The World League Championship. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Would you like to...
CR7 club
The presentation in french and in english : Bienvenue sur le Club d'Échecs en Ligne CR7 club ! À Propos de Nous :Le Club d'É...
1 039
Jackalope USCF Club
Welcome to the Jackalope Club In order to be/stay in this club you need to keep your USCF membership up to date and for me to verify that you’re w...
The Cats
Welcome to The Cats! We are looking for strong, brilliant, smart chess players like yourself! We're an unequalled international chess group with me...
2 976
We organise tournaments...
Team Italia DOC
 Team Italia DOC è il club italiano più attivo su chess.com.  Organizza numerosi tornei interni divertenti ed impegnativi, cui possono partecipare...
Mikhail Tal Fans
This is the group created for Mikhail Tal Fans! Mikhail Tal (November 9, 1936 – June 28, 1992) was a Soviet-Latvian chess player, a Grandmaster, an...
1 627