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2 654
the Dragon Chess Association - TDCTA
Welcome to the Dragon Chess Association (TDCTA), where strategy meets passion! 🐉♟️ We are a vibrant community of chess enthusiasts united by our ...
32 Pieces Chess Club
Open to all members of the chess community who want to have fun. Check out our website 32pieces.com! We host USCF-rated and unrated tournaments and...
Jack Sarkisian Live
The official Jack Sarkisian Live club for live stream tournaments.
2 210
Liberland Chess Federation
Official Liberland Chess Federation Club
Mindgame masters
Mindgame Masters is an exclusive club designed for chess enthusiasts who aspire to elevate their game. With a vibrant community of over 300+members...
progun chess players
if you are a gun owner or future gun owner and chess player this is the place for you                 ...
WE ARE MONOCHROME! WE WANT TO INVITE YOU TO JOIN OUR CLUB MONOCHROME! We would love for you to join and build this club!
1 194
The Royal Chess Club
  Please consider joining The Royal Chess Club  We have all abilities of players in our club, proudly home to a GM, 3 FMs, a...
9 680
Anime Team
Anime and Chess - nothing else..
7 332
Swiss Chess Federation
Willkommen im offiziellen Chess.com-Klub des Schweizerischen Schachbundes (SSB)! (la version française suit ci-dessous) Wir möchten eine Plattform...
2 462
Wallyjack's Elite Alliance of Chess Zealots
THE GREAT SOUTHERN LAND Hello my friends, This is a mighty club that has loyal and successful members which will be all the stronger with your ...
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Клуб имени Михаила Чигорина. Club names Mikhail Chigorin
Никогда не было мастера, который в такой мере сочетал бы в себе искусство атаки и защиты, как Чигорин (Гарри Пильсбери)
Willkommen im Club!  
1 392
Team Brazil
O Team Brazil é o time oficial brasileiro nos campeonatos de Daily Matches (xadrez diário) da World League - WL e da Pan-American League - PAL na p...
2 157
Hello! XXL chess is a variant found on the pawn with a hand. It is a super size board with new pieces. Try it out! (BTW if you have ideas, please m...
1 491
Clube de Xadrez Brasil - CXBr
Somos um clube brasileiro! Temos torneios ao vivo, xadrez por votação com muita interação entre os membros, torneios ...
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Team Latvia
Šīs grupas mērķis ir piedalīties Pasaules Līgas (World League) un Eiropas Līgas (European League) mačos gan klasiskajā formātā, gan Chess960...
1 410
Tayside Fife and Stirlingshire
We are a small but successful chess.com club consisting of members who have a connection to Angus, Clackmannanshire, Fife, Kinross, Perths...
Chess University - Kenya
Chess University Affiliate Club for residents of Kenya who wish to improve at chess. This club serves to help the local chess community organize an...
4 328