
Make the Most of Your Pieces

Make the Most of Your Pieces

Learn how to maximize the strength of your pieces!

Have you ever had the feeling that you aren't getting the most out of your pieces? Is it sometimes unclear where one of your pieces should be placed? Then this is the course for you! Learning how to best use your pieces is an important strategical step for any chess player. Going through this course will help your positional abilities while you watch your rating shoot up!

Here is what you will learn:

  • The correct way to use your rooks and queens on open files
  • How to use your king in different phases of the game
  • Using your bishops on long diagonals
  • How to use your knights in the center of the board
  • How to achieve piece harmony!

Using Your Knights

Knights are best in the center, where they can control up to eight squares. Knights work well with queens and also do a good job blocking pawns.
3 min
5 Desafios

Using Your Bishops

Bishops are most useful when controlling long, unblocked diagonals. Bishops are particularly useful when you have both of them, so they can control both light and dark squares.
2 min
5 Desafios

Using Your Rooks

Place rooks on semi-open files, attacking opposing pawns, or defending your pawns. Rooks are effective in batteries, working together on an open rank or file, especially the 7th rank.
1 min
5 Desafios

Using Your Queen

Queens are very powerful, but you must be careful not to lose her for less valuable pieces. For that reason, queens often develop a little later than other pieces.
2 min
5 Desafios

Using Your King

Early in the game you will want to castle the king to safety. In the endgame, you want to use the king to help escort pawns up the board. When it’s safe, the king can be a strong piece!
4 min
5 Desafios

Using Your Pawns

Pawns can control key squares, protect pieces, attack the opposing king, and can promote in the endgame.
2 min
5 Desafios

Pieces Working Together

Like in team sports, all of your pieces should work together for success in chess! One powerful piece will not be able to compete with many pieces working together.
4 min
5 Desafios

Make the Most of Your Pieces

Conceitos Críticos
7 Lições
18 Minutos
35 Desafios
Lançado em 12/29/2018