26 years old IM, FIDE elo 2415 Available for online lessons, for more information contact me on mail, [email protected] or What's...
Originate from Dundee, Scotland and have been in Jersey since 2006 and still enjoy some online chess!
FIDE Master (FM), USCF Life Master and USCF Senior Master Todd Andrews. Nashville, Tennessee Tennessee State Champion - 1998,...
Hi, I am Luka Draskovic, born 1995 in Montenegro, currently living in Belgrade FIDE ELO: 2509(peak), FIDE Instructor, dipl. oec.,...
https://thinkerspublishing.com/product/the-modernized-philidor-defense/ https://thinkerspublishing.com/product/la-defensa-philidor-modernizada-sergio-trigo/...