Squad One

13 membri
10 feb 2021
0 eventi giocati

Welcome all

if you want a club to join that is all about fun then this is the club for you!!!

There are a few rules though which were implemented by cruel torture devices!!!

If you are new, try not to break any rules or else...


1.  No cursing, unless if asterisks are used to censor at least half of the word. 

2.  No trolling.  No cyberbullying.  No harassing.  You get the idea.

3.  No posting inappropriate content.

4.  No spamming in notes or forums, unless if the forum is for that purpose, or if everyone else is fine with it.  

5.  For those of you in higher positions, do not abuse your power.

6.  No begging for coord/admin roles; you must work for those.  And only the owner of the club is a Super Admin.

7.  Be nice and respect others and their opinions.  

8.  Don't advertise unless you are allowed to do so by an admin, and don't go overboard with it.


If you do not follow these rules, there will be consequences.


Instances of rule-breaking shall be referred to as "transgressions".


1st transgression: Warning

2nd transgression: Muted for a day

3rd transgression: Muted for 3 days

4th transgression: Muted for a week

5th transgression: Banned for 3 days

6th transgression: Banned for 10 days

7th and higher transgressions: Excommunication (indefinite ban).  You may only be excommunicated by majority rule the first three times; otherwise you still get 10 days.  After 10 transgressions, you may be either excommunicated or banned for 10 days depending on what the owner decides.

These transgressions are counted separately per rule listed on the club's description.


Unless it is non-stop:

You cannot be excommunicated for posting inappropriate content.

You cannot be banned for spamming or cursing.

You cannot be banned or muted for more than 3 days for begging for the admin/coord roles, or for advertising without permission.  You also cannot be banned for more than 3 days for these rules, even if you do it non-stop, unless if the club votes to kick/excommunicate you for it.


And if you are an admin or coord, you may be demoted to a regular member for abusing your power.


Additionally, you may not be kicked out of the club unless if you are no longer my friend and the majority of the club decides to remove you.  Similarly, you may not be allowed back in from removal or excommunication except by majority rule; and only after you have issued a formal apology to the club and to anyone bullied in particular, in public or private. 

However, you may come back at any time if you left of your own accord and decided to come back.


If you join, you will also agree to these rules and accept the consequences that come with breaking them.
